γινετε η μετακινηση του 5b προς τον 5a !!
σε ξενα forum μιλανε για μερικη μετακινηση συχνοτητων στο διαστημα 20-21/1
The swan fields for 5WA, its north / south station control has been off since December. So its orbit will pitch gradually giving way to 5WB, no impact on the general public receptions but it began to be visible on the parables of large diameter (240 min).
Despite the problem of deploying the 5WB south solar panel, it will be able to provide a certain number of services on a long-term basis (this does not therefore mean all), for the moment this partial migration is planned for the night of 20 to 21 January 2020 , will follow some adjustments (EIRP, reference plane, ...), in the long term foresee a polarization difference compared to 5WA of ~ 3.5 ° (in principle invisible on parabolas for the general public whose counter-polar is correctly adjusted) ..