Gia deite ki edo.....
Taken from a spanish forum:
"Kudelski has made a move. D+ down. Change of ideaKey 00 and EMM format. D+ before; 0x91, now 0xC5, Polsat before; 0x81, now 0xC4. Unloopers not working with ReV AC1. Kudelski could update again in the following hours to stop piracy for a long time. It appears Kudelski has finally taken things seriously.
ˇˇˇKeyChange + EMM Change!!!"
So people no more D+.I just hope polsat and Tv Cabo will not follow D+!!!! And if they do, then it is just multivision and TPS but even they anounced viacess 2.5.Black days or ..........................................we wait!