Geia xara se olous!
Exw enan yumatu mx combo kai exw tis ekshs apories:
1. Mages kserei kaneis ektos apo xeirokinhta an yparxei tropos eisagwghs kleideiwn mesw arxeiou? Ekana eisagwgh apeira arxeia ".bin" alla tzifos (fysika me to CPRS232_1.0.7.exe).
2. Sxetika me ta κλ**** toy D+, o dekths mou exei proegatesthmena sto kryfo menoy (9339) sthn kathgoria κλ**** Nagavision me thn morfh :
03 Digital +
Provider ID : 40 01
00 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** (opoy ** 16dikos 2psyfios arithmos)
01 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
Ta nea κλ**** pou exw vrei (kai den mou epitepoun na sas apokaleipsw...) exoyn thn ekshs morfh :
p. x.
Id : 4101
Key 00 : ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
Key 01 : ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
Opws mporeite na deite sthn prwth periptwsh exoume 2 seires 8 16psapsifiwn arithmwn enw sthn deyterh exoyme 2 seires 16 arithmwn, kathws epishs oti to id exei allaksei!
Opote kanw ta ekshs :
a. Allazw to id
b. Allazw toys prwtoys 6 palaioys arithmous me toys pwtoys 6 apo ta nea κλ**** (ana seira 00 kai 01)
c. Kanw eisagwgh neas kataxwrishs p.x. sthn No 14 pou einai kenh
d. kai telika grafw kai toyw ypoloipous 6 arithoys ana seira pou apomenoun.
Swsto h lathos?? (gia na rwtaw katalavenete oti den exw kataferei na ta ksekleidwsw!)
Opoios brei thn swsth lysh einai THEOS!!!!