Γερμανία: Σχέδιο δράσης για την αλλαγή των ραδιοφωνικών εκπομπών στην ψηφιακή εποχή«Since the regional broadcasting conference RRC 06 (2006), the requirements in VHF Band III (frequency range from
174 MHz to 230 MHz) in Germany have changed.
The originally-planned partial use for DVB-T is no longer being
implemented. So the resources in VHF Band III will instead be used entirely for transmission of DAB+. In order to achieve the required coverage, the frequencies have to be negotiated and coordinated with Germany's neighbours.
This is based on the Lδnder having shared their ideas on the requirements structure with the Federal Network Agency in September 2016».
(σελ. 13)
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